Tag Archives: mental health discussion



While I am not one who has a mental illness, or has any leanings towards suicide, I post this to increase support and spread the word that we can talk up the discussion of what mental illness is, and how we can work to help those who need help the most. Especially combatting the idea that boys/men should just “man up” and “deal with it” without saying anything, “because that’s just not what guys do”. This grassroots social media campaign says what needs to be said: talk about it, don’t accept your circumstances as the status quo, find help, ask questions, don’t just suffer in silence. Do something to make it better.

Also, if you have ANY ideas about suicide, get help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t wait. Do it now. Find those who will listen. They are out there and ready to help you find your way. There is always a way to fix things without taking the ultimate step out.

“The need for a campaign addressing men’s mental health is undeniably dire. According to the World Health Organization, over 800,000 people die by suicide every year. Death by suicide accounts for an estimated 1.4 percent of all deaths globally, making it the 15th leading cause of death as of 2012. ” – +Mashable


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