In March of last year, trying to come up with new and interesting science/math related Twitter polls to feature on WREG Daybreak weekend news, I decided to poll people to see if they would be interested in one – just one and only one – forecast to be done in metric temperature measurements rather than the usual English units. The response was about as expected.

What follows was a typical response… (all spelling & syntax sic)

Dear Austen,

I am amazed at the response you received regarding “metric” weather forcasting.  Perhaps there are a lot more out here like me who did not even know until today that there was a poll on the subject.  I would absolutely vote NO.  If you want to use metrics in your forecast, even once a day, you should show the NORMAL forcast numbers at the same time.  I feel the same way about “metrics” as I do our English language.  If someone moves to this country, they should learn to speak, read and write English as well as learn our mathematical system.  We should not have to conform to THEIR language or metrics.  If we go their countries, we have to learn their language, and they must do the same or stay home!!!

I know these comments will not do any good, but please note there are a lot of us who feel the same way.

Thank you,
[Name Withheld]

For those still asking: yes, I did one – just one and only one – forecast in metrics as the poll numbers ran slightly ahead on the “Yes, do the forecast in metrics” selection over the other two choices of “No, don’t do the forecast in metrics” and the ever-popular “Don’t care either way”. As promised, I did one seven day extended forecast in metrics. Many responses of “It’s just not American” were met with “Why is that?” from me. A small percentage chose to respond to my Why? with a repeat of their Not-American choice.

None of them were able (to my satisfaction) explain why they thought that way. It just wasn’t done, and to even suggest using metrics for anything was to invite scorn, contempt, ridicule and cries of “Traitor!” or “Communist!” to the comment section. The cries of foul play from some viewers were devilish in their nature, suggesting my eternal soul was at stake for doing such a thing. There were, by contrast, some supporting statements, but none as dedicatedly staunch as those who compared using metric measurements to an erasure of culture or a government takeover by some shadowy cabal overseas.

The only thing – seriously – that I was trying to accomplish was a gauging of the attitudes of Mid-Southerners (or whomever wanted to participate) of what they felt regarding the metric system, but also to apply the idea of “Why”.

Well, admittedly… it was not entirely the only reason. The “why” of it bothers me. Fear of an imminent hostile nation’s attack, I can understand. Fear of a numbers system <as> an attack? At what point do people fear numbers so much that they have to alter reality to comfort their ideas?

Oh yeah… right….


To this day, I cannot understand the fear generated when the idea of using kilometers instead of miles is brought up, grams vs. ounces, millimeters versus 1/32 of an inch, nor can I understand the double-standards applied when you have two liter bottles of soda readily available at the grocery store, yet not a soul (to my knowledge) lifts a finger to complain via phone or e-mail to the store management that <gasp!> metrics have found their way into a true blue American grocery store!

<<<Five Massive Screw-ups That Wouldn’t Have Happened If We All Just Used the Metric System (Gizmodo)>>>

I am seriously considering another metrics episode in the near future, after another poll to engage the public on their views. Doubtful that anything has changed within the last year to swing the needle towards a positive view of metrics, I would like to be able to bring the idea of metrics to the public attention, mostly for my own selfish benefit: please – beyond the idea that metrics means a foreign takeover of the United States – help me to see where the fear is coming from.

I do not get it in the slightest. I don’t think I am being thick or misunderstanding it. I think that the attitude is ingrained in the national infrastructure of thought, passed down from generation to generation, in that These Here United States are not supposed to work with the rest of the world but set the standard for everyone else.

Conversely, if nearly every other country on the planet uses this cursed system of math, it doesn’t mean that we have to do it because we are the United States. This circular, vicious-circle logic gives me a headache, and makes me want to fight harder to get people, especially students, to understand that they are just numbers and nothing to be afraid of. The two-liter bottle of root beer is 0.528344 in gallons. Doesn’t two liters (easily divided into milliliters) make more sense mathematically speaking? Why do we not have 0.528344 gallon bottles instead, if metrics is such an existential threat to our country’s livelihood and future?


Stay tuned for the potential of another metric forecast in the Mid-South future. Poll to be (possibly) posted on Twitter.


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Just gonna’ put this part up front for all the stuck-up stickybeaks in the audience:

Outside of “Linus and Lucy” from “A Charlie Brown Christmas” soundtrack, hardly anyone knows of The Vince Guaraldi Trio, which is in itself a great pity. The entire soundtrack is marvelous and something I like listening to every single year, but I am also an avid collector of the troupe’s music and look for it wherever I go when it comes to used CD / music warehouses in my never-ending quest for stuff-I-can’t-buy-online-and-would-rather-buy-myself-thank-you-very-much. The point is: “Linus and Lucy” is a great song, but it’s not everything that Mr. Guaraldi and friends have to offer.

Another of their great tunes is “Cast Your Fate To The Wind”, another wonderful choice for the year’s end and for those days when you are reminiscing or making choices in your near-or-far future. (Note: an extended/remade version from George Winston is a good bet as well.) Piano driven melody that at times is inspiring and soaring, and at times wistful and nearly melancholy. At all times, the instrumental reminds you that while parts of your life that you would love to look back on and reorchestrate mentally are fresh in your memory, they are past, and the future is always ahead, and that better days are coming. A mixture of the high and low notes, quiet reflections and crescendo of various rhythms to a peak before fading away… all good musical metaphors for life in their own time and place.

You reach a point some times that you are tired of the status quo and want to change… the way it always was is no longer good enough, but you also wonder if the Powers That Be where you work are going to be problematic. All to the point that after a long enough spell of time, you just get thirsty for something new, or to re-try something that wasn’t as great as you hoped people would think, if anything just to be able to hone your abilities and put forth into the world what your contribution may be – work of sculpture, blogpost, scientific paper, new cheeseburger recipe – and see where it goes. That’s where I am as I write this: William Faulkner writing his scribblings to see what he can make of them, Julia Child deciding if the world needs an artisan cheeseburger, Michelangelo or Rodin wondering if he wants to inhale any more marble chips in pursuit of the perfect sculpture creation… does the world really need one more person’s opinion, especially when there are so many more powerful (read: loud) ones already having bulit up their level of steam over the last few decades? And, most importantly, would anyone listen to a local meteorologist’s opinion, having more fervent ones to choose from on a daily (nay, hourly) basis across the interwebs.

Why do we climb the mountain? Because it’s there.

Just into a new year, my wife and I were talking about the year ahead after having a quiet lunch with good friends this late New Years Day morning at one of our favorite hangouts. The wife of the couple is a newly-published author and an inspiration to me to get going again on my desire to keep the words flowing, and to see if there is any future in scrambling the words into position for articles or books or papers or columns in my future. The words aren’t going to write themselves, so it is up to me – whether or not anyone is reading is irrelevant, as a writer writes every single day. I have been lazy of late, not willing to put words to paper/screen, but always willing to play one more time-wasting app game on the phone, or one more social media posting, thinking that “I don’t have time to write something significant today” and getting tired of hearing myself give that answer time and again. If I can get 10,001 things posted for my television station social media networks per day, then I can darn sure do at least one post for my own writer’s benefit as necessary. I don’t accept laziness from others, I darned sure shouldn’t accept it from me on a near-daily basis. So, for better or worse, here I go again…

At one point in time, I tried to keep up to date on my Rules For Life, gleaned from various lessons learned, or experiences acquired in time over my last dozens of years on this planet. Going to take up the writer’s pen again (keyboard/dictation microphone/etc.) to see what I can hack out on these pages, to inspire me further. Maybe by the time I hit NaNoWriMo 2020, I might actually be able to finish one of the novels I’ve been working on in between substitute teaching and working on forecasts for the weekend night shifts. Saying it well ahead of time: if you don’t like what I’m writing here, just keep your opinions to yourself and I won’t comment on your comments in return.

New year, and time for renewal of efforts, to remind us that time is limited and there are only so many days to get so many words on screen paper. I can’t guarantee that anything I write will be up to Mr. Faulkner’s level, but that’s not going to stop me from trying. Whatever’s stopping you from doing what you love, maybe you should reeaxamine the barriers you’ve set on yourself as well.

Here’s to the new year. And to all the new opportunities to make our world a better place.

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Sunday night wrap-up to the weekend with heavy traffic delays across the country and dry, cold, breezy conditions in the WREG News Channel 3 Mid-South area. Meteorologist Austen Onek- WREG has the into-the-week forecast on our exclusive video weatherblog #WeatherOvertime now. #ShareAndEnjoy
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#WREG #WeatherExpert #AMSMeteorologist #AMSStationScientist @AOnek_WREG3#MemphisTN #901Weather #MemphisWeather #TennesseeWeather #ArkansasWeather #MississippiWeather #WREGWeatherExperts #austenonekwregcom #MeteorologistAustenOnek #TornadoAlert #EmotionalTerror #WREGpodcast #WREGWeatherPodcast#EmergencyWeather #WeatherSafety – – –


WREG Meteorologist Austen Onek on this week’s important environmental/ecological/recycling issues.

In this week’s segments:

*Climate Strike 2019 on September 20, including a quick look at activity in #Memphis, which preceeds…

*The 2019 United Nations Climate Summit “To boost ambition and accelerate actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UN Secretary-General António Guterres is asking leaders, from government, business and civil society, to come to the 2019 Climate Action Summit on 23 September with plans to address the global climate emergency. The Summit will spark the transformation that is urgently needed and propel action that will benefit everyone.”

Also: a look at this week’s results at

Got local Mid-South environmental/clean-up efforts to tell people about? Let us know and we’ll help! Send me the information at and we’ll pass it along.


Busy in the tropics and not quite as tropical here in the Mid-South. Updates on your Austen Onek- WREG forecast with tonight’s early edition of our exclusive video weatherblog Weather Overtime !


Early Monday fog with limited chances for showers and thunderstorms later today and more possible this week. All that and a look at the tropics, coming up on WREG News Channel 3 exclusive video weatherblog Weather Overtime.

WREG @3onyourside #WeatherExpert #MidSouthForecast #WREGWeather #MidSouthWeather #901Weather #MemphisWeather #WREGWeatherExpert #TORNADOALERT #EMOTIONALTERROR #WEATHERPODCAST #WREGPODCAST #MIDSOUTHWEATHER

Be ready for severe weather! Sign up for #WREG @3onyourside #WeatherCall today. Go to and click “WeatherCall”.

Follow the #WREG @3onyourside #WeatherExperts on Twitter: @Weather_WREG3


More links about climate change and – more importantly – what you and I can do to help #ProtectThePlanet as #ThereIsNoPlanetB
—- all available on my social media sites:

WREG TV Weather

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WREG-TV YOUR ENVIRONMENT: for the week of MAY 12, 2019

Re-visiting a few sites from last week with new information, this week we take a look at:

*Cleaning up plastic pollution and using social media to spread the word
*Smoke from Mexican wildfires may head into the Mid-South, and a few great air quality and atmospheric data websites to use to track that and other phenomenon
*Local events including clean-up efforts from Wolf River Conservancy; supporting Project Greenfork and the latest events from Memphis City Beautiful and the Memphis/Shelby County Office of Sustainability

All that and much more this week on #WREG #ecoblog #YourEnvironment, available at



Dry, pleasant and mild for the last Sunday of April 2019 in the Mid-South. More showers and thunderstorms return to the area this week into early May. More on your into-the-week forecast with meteorologist Austen Onek- WREG on tonight’s exclusive WREG News Channel 3 video weatherblog Weather Overtime! //ShareAndEnjoy

Be ready for severe weather! Sign up for #WREG @3onyourside #WeatherCall today. Go to and click “WeatherCall”.

Follow the #WREG @3onyourside #WeatherExperts on Twitter: @Weather_WREG3

Follow me on Twitter: @AOnek_WREG3

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Latter half of the weekend allowed us to dry out… right before more rain arrives. More on what could be a soggy week ahead, along with a look at how YOU can get ready for severe weather in the Mid-South.

All that and a lot more with meteorologist Austen Onek- WREG on WREG News Channel 3 exclusive video weatherblog Weather Overtime.
